IntelliDefense Tab

Manage Trusted Publishers Window

Overview of IntelliDefense Tab

To access:

Within a Zone's security level, select the IntelliDefense tab and click Manage Trusted Publishers.

What it does:

When IntelliDefense is enabled, the Manage Trusted Publishers window allows you to designate software publishers as trusted. Prior to applying other classifications, IntelliDefense will first check to see if a program attempting communication is signed by a publisher you have designated as trusted.


The Manage Trusted Publisher window controls which publishers are considered trusted; how the firewall handles programs from trusted publishers is determined on the IntelliDefense tab:

Note: The settings you make on the Manage Trusted Publishers window apply across the entire firewall and are not specific to a security level or a Zone. The window is common to all security levels, within both Zones, so changes that you make in one security level will apply globally.

Adding a publisher to the Trusted Publishers list

By default, programs signed by iolo technologies and Microsoft are considered trusted publishers.


To add a publisher to the Trusted Publisher list, click Add New. The drop-down menu provides two options:

Note: If the publisher of the selected program is already on the Trusted Publisher list, the publisher name will be highlighted.

Removing a publisher from the Trusted Publishers list

To remove a publisher from the Trusted Publisher list, select the publisher name and click Remove.

Disabling Trusted Publisher functionality

If you do not want to have IntelliDefense treat any programs as being from a Trusted Publisher, select each publisher name and click Remove until all publishers are removed.

Note: At the Custom security level, you can also disable Trusted Publisher functionality by clearing both the Allow all incoming communication and the Allow all outgoing communication check boxes on the IntelliDefense tab.

Related topics:

Select Installed Publisher window

Designate Security for a Zone

IntelliDefense described

How IntelliDefense works with other program controls