System Mechanic®: Now Available in French Market

iolo Partnership with Micro Application brings a localized product to French-speaking markets, and gives the publisher rights to sell System Mechanic in France.

LOS ANGELES, CA — March 14, 2007 — In a deal signed earlier this year, iolo technologies, LLC, a Los Angeles-based software company, has partnered with Micro Application, a French publisher and software distributor, to distribute System Mechanic, iolo’s top ranked PC Tune-up utility to the French market.

With over 18 million users worldwide, System Mechanic is the world’s top-selling PC Tune-up product. To date, however, the product has been available exclusively in English, but the company is now looking to heighten its visibility by launching an aggressive localization initiative that will allow for market penetration in non-English-speaking areas of the globe.

“This agreement introduces the iolo brand and our industry-leading System Mechanic technology to a promising new market,” said Noah Rowles, CEO of iolo technologies. “We chose Micro Application because of its track record, its marketing expertise, and its solid reputation. We’re confident that our partnership with Micro Application will create long-term benefits for both companies involved and of course for French-speaking customers as well.”

The French-language version of System Mechanic is available on the Micro Application website for the retail price of 39.95 euros (€39.95), and may be purchased as an electronic download or as a boxed item. A single license can be legally installed on up to three PCs.

About iolo System Mechanic
System Mechanic is a dedicated PC Tune-up utility designed to keep a system in peak operating condition. The software combines over 40 powerful tools in a single integrated console, repairing and maintaining a PC automatically.

All computers slow down with use as their owners install and uninstall software, add and delete files, and perform any of the normal activities that leave file remnants, fragmented drives, registry conflicts, and system errors that impair PC performance.

While Microsoft Windows includes basic utilities that clean up junk files and organize hard drive space, System Mechanic goes far beyond Windows in power, scope, and thoroughness, resulting in sustained PC performance close to the level of a computer just out of the box.

About iolo technologies
iolo technologies, LLC, a privately held firm located in Los Angeles, produces award-winning software that optimizes and protects Windows systems. iolo products are recognized worldwide for providing comprehensive and effective solutions that meet a wide range of PC needs. The iolo product line includes System Mechanic and System Mechanic Professional®, a comprehensive suite of PC optimization and security tools; iolo AntiVirus™ and iolo Personal Firewall™, software for Internet security; Search and Recover™, a powerful data recovery program; and DriveScrubber®, a utility that deletes data permanently, beyond all ability to recover it. iolo products are carried in over 15,000 retail storefronts and are also available from all major e-tailers, by mail order, and from a multitude of distributors and resellers in the U.S. and abroad.

About Micro Application
Founded in 1981, Micro Application publishes mass audience software, video games, technical books, and IT goods. Since 1997, the company has been the number one publisher of Vie Pratique (practical applications) in France, and now sells an additional 5.5 million products annually in French-speaking Canada, North Africa, Switzerland, Benelux, and Senegal.

Micro Application’s diverse catalogue of software, games, IT books, and printing paper reaches a broad base of customers with varying skills. The company has grown rapidly since 2002, and adds 300 new products to its catalogue each year. For more information, please visit

Contact Information
Agathe Hugon
Email :
tel: 01 53 34 20 63

iolo lance System Mechanic® sur le marché français avec Micro Application
Grâce à un partenariat noué avec Micro Application, iolo lance un produit localisé en français sur le marché francophone, et donne à Micro Application les droits de diffusion de System Mechanic en France.

LOS ANGELES, CA — March 14, 2007 — Dans un accord signé au début de cette année, iolo technologies, LLC, éditeur de logiciels basé à Los Angeles, a noué un partenariat avec Micro Application, éditeur et distributeur français, pour distribuer System Mechanic, le logiciel utilitaire top classé d’optimisation de PC, sur le marché français.

Avec plus de 18 millions d’utilisateurs dans le monde, System Mechanic est le produit d’optimisation de PC parmi les mieux vendus dans le monde. Jusqu’à aujourd’hui, le produit était uniquement disponible en anglais, mais la société cherche maintenant à augmenter sa visibilité en démarrant un plan de localisation agressif qui permettra de pénétrer des marchés dans les zones non-anglophones du globe.

“Cet accord introduit la marque iolo et notre technologie de pointe System Mechanic dans un marché prometteur,” indique Noah Rowles, CEO de iolo technologies. “Nous avons choisi Micro Application pour sa force commerciale, son expertise marketing et sa solide réputation. Nous sommes certains que notre partenariat avec Micro Application va apporter des bénéfices sur le long terme aux deux sociétés, et bien entendu aux clients francophones également.”

La version française de System Mechanic est disponible chez les revendeurs informatiques, sur le site Micro Application au prix de 39.95 euros (€39.95), en téléchargement ou en boîte. Chaque produit peut être installé légalement sur un à trois PC.

A propos de iolo System Mechanic
System Mechanic est un utilitaire spécialisé dans l’optimisation du PC pour conserver le système dans des conditions optimales. Le logiciel fournit plus de 40 outils puissants accessibles dans une seule interface, pour réparer et optimiser un PC automatiquement.

Tous les ordinateurs subissent des ralentissements au fur et à mesure de leur utilisation. Les utilisateurs installent et désinstallent des logiciels, ajoutent et suppriment des fichiers, et effectuent de nombreuses tâches, tout ceci laissant des fichiers superflus, des disques fragmentés, des registres encrassés, et des erreurs système qui dégradent la performance du PC.

Oui, Microsoft Windows fournit des utilitaires de base pour nettoyer les fichiers superflus et organiser l’espace disque, mais System Mechanic va beaucoup plus loin en termes de puissance, nettoyage et optimisation, pour rendre au PC sa performance d’origine, telle qu’elle était lorsque le PC a été déballé.

A propos de iolo technologies
iolo technologies, LLC, une société privée basée à Los Angeles, développe une technologie hautement récompensée qui optimise et protège les systèmes Windows. Les produits iolo sont reconnus dans le monde entier pour apporter des solutions réelles aux larges besoins du PC. La ligne de produits iolo inclut System Mechanic et System Mechanic Professional®, une suite efficace d’outils d’optimisation et de sécurité; iolo AntiVirus™ et iolo Personal Firewall™, logiciel de sécurité Internet; Search and Recover™, un puissant programme de récupération de données; et DriveScrubber®, un outil de destruction irrémédiable de données les rendant irrécupérables. Les produits iolo sont disponibles dans 15 000 points de vente, dans tous les circuits majeurs de distribution, en vente directe, et à travers une multitude de distributeurs et revendeurs aux USA et à l’étranger.

A propos Micro Application
Fondé en 1981, Micro Application publie des logiciels grand public, des jeux vidéo, des livres informatiques, et d’autres solutions informatiques. Depuis 1997, la société est numéro 1 en Vie pratique en France, et vend annuellement plus de 5,5 millions de produits au Canada, Afrique du Nord, Suisse, Belgique et Sénégal.

Le catalogue très large de Micro Application, couvrant les logiciels, les jeux, les livres et le papier, touche un public extrêmement large. La société connaît une croissance rapide depuis 2002, et propose 300 nouveautés par an. Pour plus d’informations, visitez

Information de contact
Agathe Hugon
Email :
tel: 01 53 34 20 63

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Available 24/7
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includes 15 tools and features
System Mechanic Ultimate Defense Product Logo



Advanced cleaning and repair removes more unsafe
clutter and fixes more problems than ever before,
going to work whenever your PC is idle.

Internet Cleanup

Delete temporary internet files for better responsiveness

Windows Cleanup

Delete Windows junk files to unleash speed

Memory Mechanic

Free up memory for better performance


Optimize settings to speed up internet connections

Registry Cleanup

Find and repair registry files to improve performance

Security Optimizer

Detect and resolve Windows security issues

Program Accelerator

Detect and resolve Windows security issues


Startup Optimizer

Speed up Windows startup time

Network Scanner

View external devices and connections

File Incinerator

Remove and destroy deleted files

Advanced Uninstaller

Easily remove installed programs

Process Scanner

Find memory-intensive background tasks

Deceptive Programs

Find and remove harmful software


Prioritize speed and efficiency for the apps you use most

What is iolo's Whole Home License?

The Whole Home License® is iolo’s licensing policy that allows you to install and keep your software running on all of your compatible devices within the same home. Previously, users were allowed to install and license their iolo software simultaneously on a maximum of three PCs. Under the Whole Home License, a single activation key allows you to use your iolo software on all of your PCs, other than any PCs you use for business purposes. What you need to know about Whole Home Licensing

  • You, your spouse, and your relatives living within the same household may use the same license on any number of PCs that you own which are not used for business.
  • For full legal terms and conditions, see

To install your iolo product on additional PCs:

  1. On the additional computer, download the latest version of your iolo product. Choose from the list of downloads offered here.
  2. Follow the steps in the installation wizard, and enter the same Activation Key that you used to install on your original computer.

You can view the Activation Key on the original computer from within System Mechanic > red menu bar > key icon > Activation Key.