How to Remove a User from a Mac
Being able to manage the user profiles on your Mac is key to keeping your system secure and efficient, and for safeguarding your privacy. Whether you need to remove an old account or reorganize your existing users, our guide can help.
How to Avoid Gift Card Scams
If you’re looking to learn how to avoid gift card scams, and plan on encouraging family and friends to do the same, we have the information you need. Last year alone, $217m was lost to gift card fraud – a shockingly high number, and not something to take lightly.
How AI Can Help Protect Your Computer
AI (artificial intelligence) has the potential to greatly enhance so many aspects of daily life, and improving cyber security is no exception. So many are concerned with the ways in which AI might pose a threat, they’re failing to see the potential for innovative security solutions it can provide.
What is Identity Theft and How Can You Avoid It
Identity theft is experiencing a boom, as people continue to put more of their lives online and within easy reach of criminals. What can be done to avoid identity theft, and what can happen if you fail to take proper precautions? We can explain.