Use All-in-One PC Cleanup for complete diagnosis, cleanup, and repair

All-in-One PC Cleanup’s combined set of computer maintenance functions can have an immediate impact on your machine’s performance.
One of the most powerful features in System Mechanic is its set of all-in-one power tools known as All-in-One PC Cleanup, which combine multiple functions into the touch of a single button. The power tools that run inside this multi-tool include Internet Cleanup, Windows Cleanup, and Registry Cleanup.
All-in-One PC Cleanup takes all the other power tools and combines their set of functions into a single super power tool that offers a complete and comprehensive single-click tune-up that can take an ailing PC and get it back on its feet in minutes.
If your computer needs some extra attention, consider using All-in-One PC Cleanup.
All-in-One PC Cleanup combines dozens of critical computer cleanup, repair, and optimization functions into an easy one-click wizard:
Remove Temporary Windows Files
Deletes temporary files that are created when certain programs are run or installed, but are no longer needed. An accumulation of temporary Windows files wastes disk space and slows processing.
Remove Internet Cache Files
Deletes Internet cache files, which are used to store information about visited Web sites. Internet cache files are used for shorter download times, but they reveal your Web activity and an accumulation of these files wastes disk space and slows processing.
Remove Internet Cookie Files
Deletes cookies, which are text files that many Web sites save to your hard drive. Cookies are useful for loading Web site preferences and login settings, but they contain identifying information that can be passed to others without your knowledge, usually for advertising purposes.
Remove Unused Downloaded Internet Program Files
Deletes downloaded program files that are not being used. These program files are usually Java and ActiveX applications that were downloaded to view certain Web sites, but are no longer needed. An accumulation of these files wastes disk space and slows processing.
Empty Recycle Bin
Empties deleted files and folders from the Recycle Bin. Windows stores deleted items in the Recycle Bin for easy recovery, but deleted items may contain confidential data and an accumulation of these files consumes valuable disk space.
Remove Temporary Offline Files
Deletes temporary offline files, which are copies of recently used network files that Windows automatically stores locally. These files can be useful if you want access to recently used data after disconnecting from a network, but an accumulation of these consumes disk space and slows processing.
Remove Offline Files
Deletes offline files, which are copies of network files that you specifically made available offline. Offline files are useful if you want access to certain data after disconnecting from a network, but an accumulation of these files consumes disk space and slows processing.
Repair Broken Shortcuts
Fixes or removes shortcuts that point to invalid locations. Broken shortcuts, which occur when the target files have been moved or deleted, cause unexpected system errors and slow processing.
Repair Registry Errors
Removes obsolete and invalid entries from the registry. The registry is vital to your computer’s ability to run correctly. Over time, the registry can become corrupt, leading to degraded performance and system crashes.
Remove Invalid Uninstallers
Deletes obsolete and invalid uninstallation files. Occasionally, an uninstalled program is not removed completely. Removing this invalid information streamlines the registry and increases PC stability.
Repair Hard Drive Problems
Scans your hard drives and then detects and fixes any hard drive problems. A damaged hard drive can prevent data from being read from or written to the drive and leads to system irregularities and crashes.
Compact Windows Registry
Reorganizes scattered entries in the registry. The registry is vital to your computer’s ability to run correctly. Compacting maximizes free space and improves the efficiency and speed of registry processing.
Defragment Hard Drives
Reorganizes scattered data on your hard drives. Regular defragmenting maximizes free space, which improves drive speed and overall processing time.
Recover and Defragment System Memory
Reorganizes the memory allocation of your computer. Regular defragmenting reclaims valuable memory, which improves overall speed and stability.
Optimize Windows Startup
Streamlines the programs and services that start when the operating system loads. Removing unnecessary and potentially dangerous start up items increases PC speed and reliability.
Optimize Internet Settings
Customizes various settings to suit your type of Internet connection. Adapting these settings speeds Web download rates and improves Internet speed and stability.
Optimize System Drive
Re-aligns scattered program files and eliminates file fragmentation. Optimization improves program launch speed and overall system responsiveness.
Fix Security Flaws
Detects and repairs security flaws and vulnerabilities. Viruses and other malicious programs are created to exploit known security weaknesses in operating systems and browsers.
Back Up System Registry
Backs up the registry. The registry is vital to your computer’s ability to run correctly. If the registry becomes infected or damaged, the backup copy can be used to restore it.